An imaginary journey at Wojo Tolbiac


  • 7500 m²

  • 16 weeks

  • 65 + 150 nomad workstations

Following a call for projects, Wojo entrusted Tétris with the mission of designing its brand new WOJO Tolbiac coworking centre. "Surprise us" was Wojo's brief and it was the best brief we could receive.

Based on the theme of the Imaginary Journey, we designed a colourful and welcoming universe built around historical references and deeply rooted in the neighbourhood. A strong design approach in support of use, well-being and collaboration to create an extraordinary experience in this real Work Resort. Ler mais

The large reception hall is an invitation to travel, with an airport-style counter decorated with portholes and a multicoloured hot-air balloon in reference to the building's facade and placed on a transparent triple-height staircase.

The spaces have different atmospheres and are all modular with sliding panels and tables on wheels: the animated coworking area offers a trip in a TVG to the turquoise waters of the Mediterranean, the calm coworking area on the theme of the Tao garden allows you to work in concentration, and the gourmet area offers a trip above the clouds.

Each floor has a relaxation area and is represented by a different colour, drawing a path through the different periods of the district's architecture.

We realised this project in co-design with Wojo and in 16 weeks.


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