Crédit Agricole

Tétris boosts workspaces at Crédit Agricole’s headquarter in Nîmes

  • 4000 sqm

  • 3 years

  • 270 workplaces

Crédit Agricole's aim was to develop a project that reflected its image, in particular by creating unique and dynamic workspaces that improve the quality of life at work.

But it also wanted to respond to organizational and CSR issues in the midst of a lockdown.

Client testimonial

A unanimous view on the quality of the premises, in terms of aesthetics, modernity, cleanliness and comfort. And also on the positive amplification of interactions between services and people.
The satisfaction survey shows that managers are unanimous (9,1/10).
65% of employees surveyed declared that thei new work environment makes it easier to do their job.
And 73% of them consider that their quality of life at work is better since they moved in these new premises.

Elise ODE

Project Manager

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