
Enhancing work experience with office design

  • 2500 sqm

  • 12 mois

  • 160 workplaces

How Siemens' relocation enhanced work experience, revitalized its teams and created a more attractive work environment? 

With the decision to move its historic offices from Saint-Denis to the CB 21 Tower in La Défense and reduce its lease area, Siemens entrusted Tétris with the design of its 2,500 sqm non-assigned workstations spread across 3 floors.

Tétris collaborated with European teams in Germany and France, each with different sensitivities but a shared objective: enhancing Siemens employees' work experience while adhering to the New Normal design guidelines.

The group's design charter incorporates flexible office arrangements and was reworked in 2022 through collaboration with Tétris Lyon's design teams, ensuring adaptation to the French market and specific spatial usage requirements.

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