Tétris wins seven internationally recognised health and safety accolades from RoSPA


We’re proud to announce that Tétris has won seven prestigious awards from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), demonstrating our commitment to health and safety excellence.

The teams in France, Poland, South Africa and the UK were awarded the Gold accolade, while the teams in Italy, Portugal and Spain each won the Silver award. All these awards were in the Achievement category, demonstrating our dedication to ensuring our staff, clients and contractors get home safely at the end of every working day.

The RoSPA Health and Safety Awards is the largest occupational health and safety awards programme in the UK. Now in its 68th year, the awards have almost 2,000 entries each year, covering nearly 50 countries and a reach of over seven million employees. The programme recognises organisations’ commitment to continuous improvement in the prevention of accidents and ill health at work, looking at entrants’ overarching health and safety management systems, including practices such as leadership and workforce involvement.

Nicasio Gutierrez, CEO of Tétris said: “At Tétris, health and safety is of paramount importance to us, so we’re honoured to have been recognised by RoSPA as leading the way in this field. I’d like to congratulate the teams for their hard work and dedication.”

Romeu Carpinteiro, Head of Commercial Operations said, “I am truly impressed with our Tétris teams and I want to express my sincere appreciation to each and every one of them for their unwavering commitment to health and safety. Their hard work, diligence, and adherence to best practices has made this remarkable achievement possible. It’s particularly significant as it marks the first entry attempt for six of the seven teams.

Winning seven internationally recognised health and safety accolades is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and unwavering focus on ensuring the safety of our staff, clients, and contractors. It is a true reflection of the collaboration and commitment of our teams globally. These awards demonstrate not only our commitment to continuous improvement in the prevention of accidents and ill health but also highlight the effectiveness of our overarching health and safety management systems and practices, including leadership and workforce involvement. Our dedication to providing a safe working environment where everyone can go home safely at the end of each day is at the forefront of everything we do.”

Patrick Hailstone, Tétris EMEA HSSE Lead: “This is a huge achievement considering this is the first entry attempt for six of the seven teams, and shows just how far we have come as a business over the last few years, continually improving and using Occupational Health and Safety as a lead for change. There is still much to do, but these awards help show us where we can improve with the use of feedback reports, and also encourage competition between business units to improve their use of quality documentation within each business, which is required as evidence for the submissions.”

Julia Small, RoSPA’s Achievements Director, said, “accidents at work and work-related ill health don’t just have huge financial implications or cause major disruption – they significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. That’s why good safety performance deserves to be recognised and rewarded. We are thrilled that Tétris has won an RoSPA Award and would like to congratulate them on showing an unwavering commitment to keeping their employees, clients and customers safe from accidental harm and injury.”

Sponsored by Croner-i, the RoSPA Awards scheme is the longest-running of its kind in the UK, and receives entries from organisations across the globe, making it one of the most sought-after achievement awards for the health and safety industry.